Well there certainly has been no shortage of activity lately, and much of it negative. In just the past number of weeks we have witnessed:

- steady reports of brokers and ISOs packing it in
- failed MCA business related assets being sold off for pennies
- back-dooring reaching even loftier shameless heights
- publicly traded fintech companies cooking the books
- warding off of preliminary regulatory efforts for the moment
- desperate direct funders marketing as if we are a band of misfit hedons
- ISO biz dev people running amok on the streets with no training
- Lead sources almost completely dried up or pricing out ISOs from competing
- junk paper shops looking to go "A paper"

Everyone knows what they look like behind their own closed doors, and it is not pretty right now for so many despite the bravado. Question is: As you look around, do you see people innovating and getting prepared for the next few years?