Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
I'm curious as to why Jay is pushing books to "teach" others how to succeed in the space if you guys keep failing? That doesn't make any sense.

Then what was the point of it?

Bitcoin only? Why?

If there's no secured parties included, how does the person buying the $99 list know that the companies listed had a UCC filed against them? And due to the over-saturation of UCC data, I wouldn't advise anybody spending over 5 cents per record on them.
For the record... I do the teaching. I scout the secured parties. I optimized the methods to append and cleanse the data. Jay designed the software to make my life easier. Jay isn't engaging with anyone in this industry unless its via Clarity.fm.

The point of teaching is that very very very very few people in this industry have the capacity to learn a skill and implement it. Thus, there's no saturation of knowledge as my trainings are not cheap. All training buyers get enormous value in this regard. Remember, this is just side / play money. I generate income in a field that doesn't require me to engage in sales. Just spread sheets and conference calls.

You may operate under the assumption that I haven't trained anyone and that's because it's not in the best interests of the trainees to come and say: "I bought the training and it was great!" If you found a honey pot, how inclined are you to tell the world about it?

Wny Bitcoin only? Very simple. I could use the Bitcoin more than the cash. It's up 146% for the last year and I'm extremely bullish. I expect it to hit $3,000 by 2019. So, it's a way for me to give the market what they want at the price they want while still padding the (future) margins.

Regarding price, let's do some math; 97 dollars divided by 15,000 is roughly .0006 cents. You seem to be under the impression that it's 6 cents whereas it's a fraction of a cent with no secured parties.

Folks have been messaging me and e-mailing me to buy lists for months. They've been turned away one by one... I'm finally giving the market what they want. As you might imagine, the market for buyers at this price point is fairly large. Bitcoin creates a bit of friction, but it's the way I've decided to conduct the liquidation sale.

Please be advised that each persons' opinion of our activities is specific to that particular person. I hope I've answered these questions and understand that there was no buying intent behind these questions rather a desire to raise doubts and skepticism in the eyes of potential buyers. That's totally fine and you're well within your right to do so. I am happy to answer any and all questions you may have.

Thanks for contributing to this dialogue!