This industry seems to attract folks who are simply not to be trusted for any reason whatsoever. In fact, I would place 8 out of 10 people in the category of "don't trust around my goldfish." With that said as the industry declines, here are some of my predictions as to what you can expect from the sh*t show.

1. Less money will be invested in legal fees / lawsuits as margins thin up. This will unleash a wave of crooked creativity like you've never seen.

2. Funders will continue to work together to backdoor unsuspecting brokers. Expect backdooring to reach an all time high.

3. Macro economic data indicates the economy is stalling. So, I suspect merchants and brokers will form an "unholy" alliance to creatively and cooperatively work to steal merchant cash advances from funders. I expect this to happen when brokers are not stealing them from merchants outright.

What do you guys see coming down the road? You growing or slowing?