14 Merchants funded is not a great thing. My first month in the business working for someone who only funded A paper and backdoored people I closed/funded 7 personally.

so just out of curiosity. You advanced 14 in what period of time?..repeating ...14????

And to date "knock on wood" I have never had a merchant default. I had a Franchise business looking for a renewal and I found out he was going to lose his Franchise licence and I called the lender to halt the transaction.( He was calling me during the day drunk as a skunk asking me why I couldn't fund him faster , it was a clue. ).

You had 2 out of 14 default????????????????????????????? I am not even going to comment on these posts anymore , its like im watching some sick Kardashians go into the MCA industry reality show.

Did you ever think about your own margins let alone the merchants you are funding? How many deals do you have to fund to make up for the lost income on those deals?

I would think if you have more than a 7 % default rate you are not making money..10%? you are bankrupt. ( and I am guessing because my over 200 funded deals I did not participate in any of them yet). Do you realize some of the people on these posts get 1000's of submissions in.. I am embarrassed to say 200

I do not even believe that you are funding your own deals. You are making this story up and I am wasting time responding.

Psst if you are funding your own deals I have a great lead source for you, I know someone who knows someone, who knows someone and they will give you a discount.