Quote Originally Posted by Sachip24 View Post

I will make this quick getting busy. Yes you reinvest the money as it comes in daily, compounding the interest as you do this and driving up your ROI. The two scenarios you stated smell like fraud. Collections isn't aggressive enough with fraudsters, I would get an attorney letter head if you don't have an attorney in house and start sending letters threatening legal action. Escalate the letters and usually that works, if it doesn't you may have to go the legal course file charges for fraud. You may get someone to pay you back months later cause they reapply for more money or the UCC affects them. Unfortunately in the cases you mentioned you probably got screwed, those are great lessons to learn anyways. FYI Some of the more aggressive companies have merchants sign COJ confession of judgement with the agreements, this helps to get a judgement in your favor if it goes to court. Like any case you run the risk of losing if your contracts and agreements aren't right. Good luck new funder
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