Quote Originally Posted by NewFunder80 View Post
Lol, I guess that's one negative way of looking at it. Although one of the merchants did call back asking if he could get another advance. He did pay in full, but at this point there was just not enough room for another position.

Lamar- No specific point I'm trying to make by posting, just sharing experiences on an open forum. I have funded one car dealership, I would like to fund more. I do go out beyond just first positions, but there has to be room and/or cash flow for an addition position. I have done both weekly payments and daily payments.
Are you looking for brokers to sign up with you? I'm just not understanding why you're disclosing a whole lot of information, but it's been 3 months, and you still haven't told us the name of your company, the kind of deals you like to fund? etc...