Spoke with On Deck and they clarified it. Merchant did in fact go directly to them 24 hour prior to. When he directly applied, he applied with both him and the co-owner who had a better score. Through us, it was only one merchant (the lower of the credit scores) which explained the discrepancy in loan amounts. The discrepancy in pricing is pretty obvious, I do not expect on deck, or any other company to provide same exact pricing to ISO's as they do to in house sales team. Looks like this was more of a combination of error and confusion that anything else. For as long as I have dealt with them, I have always found them to be the easiest to use and one of the more stand up companies to deal with, as it comes to ISO's, so was very surprised when this happened. And Omegafund, I wouldn't be quick to discredit them, they have some of the best terms in the industry. I wasn't looking to start an On Deck bashing, was more interested in seeing if anyone else had a similar experience.