Quote Originally Posted by MCNetwork View Post
When the stackers start getting sued by the largest funders because the stacks cause merchants to default on the primary advances, then you'll start seeing real changes in the industry.
Its very difficult to prove that the layered advance is the Entire cause for the merchant going out of business.(Prove in court) Large funding companies to sue the small stackers- I know quite a few "small" stack type companies that have tons and tons of capital. Capital by the truck load.

So to say that a company is going to sue... they may not win that case.. if they don't win that case.. they become a laughing stock. You can't really underestimate your fellows in this business or the legal teams they have and backers they may have. Everyone looses when things go to court. I highly doubt anyone at the top of a Funding company wants to throw good money after bad. When discussing legal cases we obviously know about AMI and what happened in the state of California- AMI, now Can, cut a big check- they have 500MM out of Utah... business as usual for them these days- that company keeps growing-

I think of another Legal case that took place- AMI back in the day went after Ameri Merchant for offering Credit Card Based advances. Ami tried to take hold and say they have a patent on that style of lending. AMI lost that fight to a much "smaller" company.

Point is, Legal does not make sense for anyone in this situation. Oh and by the way- Everyone Knows it.