Quote Originally Posted by DylanJames View Post
One of my best friends as been working as a MCA sales closer for about 2 years and makes a good 80-100k a year.
After having a long conversation about his job and industry as a whole -- i decided i wanted to do it.
Based on what? Based solely on the fact that he told you (people can lie as well BTW) he was making a certain amount? Did he give you any particulars such as:

- The type of business plan in place? Such as does his company have a very large marketing budget, do they have a strategic network setup to get a lot of leads, are they doing some sort of specialized targeted calling?

- Are they pushing 1st position A, B, C, or D Paper, or 2nd - 11th positions?

Did you get any particulars? Did you also do any other research on this industry using the vast amount of information on Daily Funder, deBanked, Google, and other resources to determine if this is an industry to come in right now....and....develop some sort of business plan to acquire new accounts?

Or, did you just "hear" from somebody that they were making around 6 figures and all they quote, unquote have to do is come in, sit down, and start dialing businesses?

Quote Originally Posted by DylanJames View Post
I have 0 sales experience. I'm a former student athlete, and been making big money as a Server for about 2 years, with experience in mortgage loans and residential real estate.

I applied for a position in So Cal, the job pays 55k base + comm.
My biggest barrier is no experience,
Your biggest problems do not include anything in relation to not having sales experience, your biggest problems are:

- You are entering a very saturated market
- You have no unique value you are bringing to the market to separate yourself from others
- You have absolutely no business plan in place on how you are going to acquire accounts
- You have absolutely no marketing capital
- You have absolutely no networks
- You are living in a VERY high cost of living area

Now, you did say you would be doing this for another company, are they going to provide you with a marketing budget, leads, or anything of the sort? Or, are they just going to have you randomly cold-call out of the Yellow Pages?

If the strategy is to randomly cold-call out of the Yellow Pages, listen to my advice and go do something else.

Quote Originally Posted by DylanJames View Post
they only interviewed because i sent them a really good email (cover letter if you will)

and i felt like the big base salary would ultimately making them pick someone else --- so i offered to do it commission only to start
Well, I'm not sure what company you are referring to, but I can tell you that most companies in this space will hire anybody with a heartbeat and pulse on 100% commission. The barrier to entry is VERY low, matter of fact, there's no barrier to entry, any stray dog can just come walking on in here.

Quote Originally Posted by DylanJames View Post
i was working 5-6 days a week 10+ hour days Nonstop.

and raking in 7-8k a month.

so I'm bringing that level of commitment to this, thats all I'm saying
No, take that level of committment BACK to what you were doing before making about $8,000 a month unless you are coming in here with a marketing budget, strategic networks or some sort of exclusive big data resources.

I'm serious.

Quote Originally Posted by DylanJames View Post
You can build a book of business in this industry, you can't build a book of business waiting tables.
Sir, you don't know anything about how to build a book of business in this industry because if you DID, you wouldn't be running into it empty handed with no UVP, no capital, no networks, no data, etc., which are the tools NEEDED to build a book of business in this industry.

Quote Originally Posted by DylanJames View Post
Basically, and with all due respect, if you attitude is, that it can't be done, you might as well kill yourself
That's nice and cute, but in this world, "positive affirmations" mean nothing. Either you have the tools and resources to acquire clients, or you don't.