Quote Originally Posted by DylanJames View Post
Well you know, my friend started out the same way and made 100k his first year, 2 years ago.

Basically, and with all due respect, if you attitude is, that it can't be done, you might as well kill yourself

so im a believer
You have zero sales experience, have no knowledge of this industry whatsoever, a punk attitude, and you come on DF to show everyone your cocky ego for what reason? Are you God's gift to the world or something?

Quote Originally Posted by DylanJames View Post
You can build a book of business in this industry, you can't build a book of business waiting tables.

I have news for you, this isn't 2008 it's 2016. There is no such thing as "building a book of business" anymore because your deals are going to be called dozens of times per day and when you call them to renew, they're either multi stacked (do you know what this means? If not, ask you buddy) or they're already in another deal.