Quote Originally Posted by FUNd View Post
Really? You work TEN TIMES harder than your friend? So I take it if he's making 50-100 calls a day, pretty typical in this industry (on the low end actually), you'll be making 500-1000 calls a day? I appreciate your wide eyes and big appetite, you're tired of slinging hash and want to hit it big, but I would enter with some realistic expectations, especially with no sales experience. You'll be competing against some guys who can figuratively see though walls and around corners.


Here's where I'm coming from here.

i was a full time student athlete.
i got injured and had to take the year off, so i worked full time at a restaurant.

i was working 5-6 days a week 10+ hour days Nonstop.

and raking in 7-8k a month.

so I'm bringing that level of commitment to this, thats all I'm saying