Quote Originally Posted by Vfunding View Post
Imagine if Funding sources industry wide all agreed to publish the name of the ISO of record in the inbound wire note. It would be clear when a broker brings a pristine deal to an A paper funder, then to 5 other shops in the next 2 weeks for 5 more positions. I am not here to judge this increasingly common act, but at the very least this kind of policy would create complete transparency throughout all segments of our industry. MAYHEM?!
If someone funds a deal with an A lender then stacks on themselves the A lender should cut them off. Why anyone would do this kill the merchant and destroy their own renewal possibilities and also risk a relationship with a bank is beyond me.. Why??? To make a couple extra dollars now rather then a lot more money over the course of multiple fundings in the future. The short sightedness of some people is amazing