Quote Originally Posted by FUNd View Post
A lead is not a submission. It's a lead, and a deal doesn't belong to you until both of these things happen:

1. You submit a full package to a lender with a signed and dated credit application and the proper bank statements.

2. Your submission is either broker protected, or you are first to the table with signed documents and the required stips as set forth by the lender.
1. ISO B submitted a full package to the funder with signed and dated credit app (my app) and bank statements (gathered by me)

Again, I'm not blaming the funder for screwing me I'm blaming the funder for screwing ISO B, which from my understanding from the funder, sends them a lot of work.

FUNd, serious question-is it legit for a funder to call merchant and say "ISO is unreachable-let's move forward", and even if it is legit, does it
make any sense that a known name ISO goes AWOL for a week?

Should I not care and move on because I was not directly and intentionally screwed? Knowing that a respectable funder is backdooring and screwing over my peer brokers?

ISO B is the focus. Funder attempted to backdoor them-thats all there is to it.

As to how ISO B got my file? Either one of my submitting ISO's justifiably sent it to them or or they received it in some other unethical way. Don't know yet but definately not blaming them just yet with out any proof.