Quote Originally Posted by mikem View Post
Merchant did not get funded yet. As of now Funder is willing to place me instead of ISO B because merchant told funder he will only work with me,(somehow they ended up reaching ISO B and got them to "back off the deal"), an offer which I plan on declining-I'm not signed up with this funder and don't want to be for obvious reasons.

about a week from when the file went out until the merchant got a call.
I don't want this to be taken the wrong way, as I believe an ISO should always be involved when contact is made to their merchant, but it's not like the funder took the deal from you, funded, and didn't pay you, thereby cutting you out from the work you put in and stealing your deal. Otherwise, I'd definitely get an ISO agreement and see what it says regarding exclusivity on deals and what happens to your file after the exclusivity period (if there is any)