Good Afternoon,

My company Horizon Financial Group is facilitating both commercial and residential mortgages throughout the country. These deals go to closing and get paid out in 3-4 weeks total time. We are making great money on these transactions and it's a great way to supplement your MCA business.

Many profitable relationships have started from and you can be the next one! Office line 718-513-6633 learn about the process commissions etc.

In the industry many times reps and ISO's get on the phone with cash advance leads looking to Purchase, Refinance property or business debt . STOP leaving money on the table. We complete the transaction in 30 days and offer 50% commission split. We will train you and your reps on industry standards for getting LOI's (letter of intent) to your clients. My email is, next time a merchant is looking for a mortgage tell them you can help!

Thank you,

James Celifarco
Horizon Financial Group, President