Since 2013, we have been providing high quality lead generation services generated through our professional call center for the best possible price available in the marketplace.

Once your order is placed and you have a credit balance, leads are generated through 1000's of professional outbound calls from our enterprise level call center to qualified merchants utilizing our proprietary high value merchant data.

When called by one of our well trained agents, if the business owner expresses interest, the agent then prequalifies the business owner with your predefined requirements and then explains that they will be transferred to a Business Funding Specialist that can take the call further.

The agent then 3-way dials the client receiving party, introduce the business owner to the client, and connect the call and drop off the line.

In the event the warm transfer call does not last 2 minutes from the acceptance time, then you are not billed for the call.

In the event the call extends past 2 minutes from the connection time, the clients balance is deducted the cost of that live transfer lead.

Order today! Close deals tomorrow! It’s that easy and it’s that effective.

Call 1-855-484-3355 or go to to take advantage of our new client pricing.