Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
But Bob, define the "best" education?

I would say other than majors in most healthcare, computer science, and engineering fields, what has always made one guy more money than the next guy, was the amount of unique IN DEMAND characteristics that he brought to the marketplace that the other guy did not bring, such as:

- Unique skills
- Unique talents
- Unique work ethic
- Unique IQ
- Unique critical thinking skills
- Unique networks
- Unique capital levels
- Unique products/services

I'm not sure why our country is so fascinated with getting people to run out and grab degree after degree. As I mentioned, other than some healthcare fields, computer science, and engineering fields, the "degree" has always been nothing but additional sprinkles on top of the already made cake, it has never been:

- The actual cake
- Nor the frosting on top of it
- Nor the box that the cake is presented in
- Nor the baker who made the cake
- Nor the location where the baker makes the cake
- Nor the ingredients and tools needed to make the cake

Furthermore, whatever "positive distinction" a bachelor's degree might have had, they have completely destroyed it because it has become the new high school diploma.

To maintain Title IV status, colleges have to keep their graduation rates at a certain level, thus, they have dumbed down courses as well as created many worthless majors just to keep graduation rates up. This is due to the fact that many low IQ students are rushing into colleges, majoring in worthless majors, just to say they have "a degree" and are "educated", even though many of them end up working at the same Starbucks they were working at before because they lack the unique skills, networks, and other things that I listed.
I agree with most of what you said but I do feel like you left out one important aspect. PRESTIEGE! Graduating from an Ivy league school or any prestigious institution will open doors for you. Plus the network you gain from meeting other like minded individuals at the institutions can be priceless.