Quote Originally Posted by bdshaw View Post
Why not with multiple PHD's.
I agree about the trade schools but why not those after high school? Once again I'm asking you to look at the theory of education not the cost. Why shouldn't everyone have the best education this country can offer. That's a lot more than 12th grade.
I think some of Bernie's ideas are excellent but poorly presented. In theory why shouldn't everyone have excellent medical care?
Why should there be a battle royale between business owners and employees? Without one you don't have the other.
That by the way is a big difference between a social Democrat and Socialist.
Think about it this way. Public education (Up to 12th grade) in this country is not that great. Those who want to get a superior education for their children send them to private schools if they are privileged enough to do so. Same will go for Universities if education becomes free for all. Not only will consumption tax raise through the roof, all taxes will raise for the common taxpayer just to diminish the value of the degree. College would just become 13th - 17th grade. Not everything needs to be handed to a society. We are a capitalist nation who have grown to superpower status because of the competitive nature of capitalism. Why does everybody all of the sudden want to settle for just being regular? Bernie Sanders is a plague. His policies are absolutely in-executable, and thank god for that fact because if he ever got the opportunity to actually make his fantasies come true we'd just become complacent.