Quote Originally Posted by wyuhn123 View Post
Innovative lead generation platform i.e. Beta 2.3 LMS platform identify's " HOT " merchants seeking funding before UCC is Filled!


…Hundreds of Do Not Calls and Hang Ups to get 1 good prospect
…Struggling with gatekeepers
…Spending most of the day prospecting rather than closing deals
…Hearing NO or Rejection 95% of the day
…Competing with 20 other funding calls that day
…High level of experience to pitch correctly off a cold call
…Demoralizing Burnout when you realize there is 4 more days of this
and it's not even lunch time

Campaign can be geo-targeted by zip code and or by state. Clients with larger state footprints take advantage of lower pricing vs. clients with limited state / zip code coverage.

* 4500+ Qualified Applications sent, $7,000,000+ funded, in 18 mths (majority in last 12 mths)

* 10% Net profit (around $700,000)

* 1 of 5 apps out, fund, over a few months time, with constant follow ups, which the tool helps you to do as well.

* 1 of 18 apps fund in first 30 days. Can be scaled to generate leads faster. Can do 5X that lead volume with the touch of a slider.

* Currently maxes out at about 6000 apps out a month

* Generates live inbound transfers

* 1 of 5-9 calls are a qualified lead (meeting criteria and looking for product/service, in this case, funding).

Pricing p/call varies by clients filters, min monthly revenue amount, approved state list and lead delivery hours.

Average min monthly revenue - $35K

You will have leads ringing to your phone within 15 minutes of us turning you on.
COMPANY NAME, WEBSITE, EMAIL ADDRESS would be a good place to start