Anyone out there have an interest in obtaining leads for merchants who have equity in some type of property they own to fund them?

There is a caveat. These merchants have defaulted with existing lenders. I had one MCA company interested but was taking an eon to get going and have a mortgage broker interested but is offering low commissions. I simply want to get a deal, albeit the right one done, but don't want to settle for a low rate or wait indefinitely to get a deal closed.

If there is a lender/broker out there who has an interest, I have an ongoing flow of leads to supply. The good news is that the leads I could provide would be individuals who know the in's and out's of MCA products, understand the cost, and would jump at the opportunity to get an advance to clear their financial mess. Obviously already having defaulted these would be leads with some type of collateral or security to guarantee the potential new advance/loan.

Clearly these leads are not for everyone but I know there must be a niche lender who would like this space, as some had already contacted me....just never went anywhere.

In any case, please PM me if you have an interest after perusing this post.