ghop, your observations and feedback are certainly welcome and I appreciate that you care. There are certain circumstances that you may not be aware of and I unfortunately cannot comment on them, except to say that it's complicated. A terrible answer for sure, but one that I'm limited to.

The industry is full of many competing interests and the forum has always had the goal of being as free as possible. Legal issues are always considered however and from my vantage point, you might be surprised by the scope of it. And no, I don't just mean with myself. Users and their intentions on this forum are not always what they appear to be and the ramifications of what people say and in what context can lead to unexpected consequences for themselves, others, or everyone. I know that's vague too and will leave many unsatisfied.

A lot of work goes into moderating the forum for spam and fake users and weeding out those soliciting with free email accounts. I think a fair amount of sponsors on this site have gotten criticism. Post removal is not related to sponsorship.

It is a difficult job, and one that I acknowledge will not please everybody. That's something I had to accept a long time ago when I took on this endeavor. Again, I value your input highly and anything that can be done to maximize the fair value of the content, will be done.