OK, serious question here. If there are so many low-interest, long-term, monthly payment, viable options for merchants that you can sell as an ISO (and actually make enough coin to cover your op costs and taxes), where are they? I work with and have worked for some of the smartest and most inventive people in the biz, and even they have struggles.

Every day some new lender either shows up at my doorstep, calls me, or peddles on DF, and they all have the same MCA BS to offer. I admire your battle call, and your attempt to peg the rest of us as "pikers", but I guess we are aren't as inventive as you guys.

If you are making money dialing out of the yellow pages, good for you, but I know some pretty awesome salespeople, and the minute they mention the word "capital", "finance", or "loan", it's dial tone time. Is this because they don't read books, know their craft, and take a 'consultative' approach? NO, it's because merchants get 10 calls, 3 mailers, 6 faxes, 5 radio ads, 2 TV commercials, and a D2D salesguy stopping by a DAY for funding. I wouldn't listen either. Let's be real here.