Quote Originally Posted by Bank View Post
I agree with you that not every deal is worth taking a look at. My reasoning for saying such a thing is just to really try my best to make a great impression off the bat.

The amount of positions we will pay off is dependent on the cash flow of the business, daily average balance , and the total amount of the outstanding balances. If a merchant owes $100,000.00 between 4 different lenders and the daily payments add up to be $500 per day, what we would like to do is pay off the $100,000.00, stretch out the term and lower the overall daily payment. So this way merchant is saving money daily, weekly and monthly.

The MAX funding amount that we are doing right now with this program is $500,000.00

Credit Minimum is 600 UNLESS of course the revenue / daily balances are staggering, then an exception can be made.

NSF's are not an issue, we are more concerned about the amount of days the bank account is negative. If NSF's and negative balances are due to their current advance payments being too high or aggressive then we can make exceptions to that as well in order to make our payments more affordable.

Thank you for your questions.

Robert Menzel
Office: 516-299-8240
Cell : 631-235-3423
Email : rmenzel@bizbrella.com
you never answered my question