Thats the title of the forthcoming book by Ben Horowitz. A legendary tech CEO and investor. I can’t wait for the book because he’s being sure to bring hip hop with him in it

The Amazon description reads; "A lifelong rap fanatic, he amplifies business lessons with lyrics from his favorite songs, telling it straight about everything from firing friends to poaching competitors, cultivating and sustaining a CEO mentality to knowing the right time to cash in.” I totally copied his style in my “booklet - Mastermind: Merchant Cash Advance Marketing Vol. 1” Now it's time to copy his CEO style.

I instantly know it’s going to my top 5 list of entrepreneurship books. Right up there with “The Lean Startup” and Co.

I am hoping that Ben will talk about how to build a company while not selling out - not doing things that appear to be easy early, so as not to make things more difficult later.

I hope he sheds further light on the fact that sometimes the easy thing to do is not always the right thing to do, but the right thing to do can ultimately be the most profitable thing to do.

I hope he helps me become a better steward of our vision… our mission and helps me understand how to succeed at the insanely hard task of getting top notch people (A Players) to rally around that vision.

I hope the book leaves me better equipped to be able to convince amazing people to give me their best years, and their best work.

I really hope this book helps me become a better CEO than I would have been without it.

I am a huge fan of his blog; ben’s blog- and I’ve been able to get a lot of value from it, but I am really excited about this book.

Am I the only one here who will read it?