Good Morning,

Those who follow this board may have noticed a back and forth between our firm and the folks over at Crowd Funding. Initially they appeared to have resolved our issues, but then came to the table with even worse issues that have cost our firm a significant amount of time and money, so here's our heads up at this point:

We strongly caution anyone in this business against sending Crowd Funding even so much as a single email.

Let's review some of the key points here (and yes I'm fully prepared to defend our firm from any possible litigation.)

We received an email on the Seventh of March, notifying us that a contract had been funded. At the time of this writing no funds were received by our client and this deal is dead, along with the time and effort spent to work on it.

We received another email on the Third of March, stating that another contract had been funded. That client was not actually funded until the 11th.

All efforts to communicate with Mr Don McGrath, the principle, have been met with silence: he is resistant to phone calls, emails, cups and strings....

....we wonder does he have the wherewithal, the MONEY required to actually fund deals?

Is he backdooring our deals? We're in contact with our clients, that you can rest assured.

The net/net is this: we got taken in by a charlatan, and they f'ed us once. Then we let them back into our lives and they f'ed us again. Shocker.

The cost to our clients, to our reputation, and to our sanity is irretrievable. Every time we contacted them about our frantic clients the answer was; "no problem, no problem, no problem".....anything to get rid of us.

Don't throw your agents time in the trash by sending any files to this entity.