yes , I have made over 500K consistantly as a rep/ I do own companies that are just ISO's but I still sell and have been on the 500+ since 2006 . No BS ..
You do not know me and I am not be a braggart .
You need to have a few merchants that are loyal to you. Call them after the deal, keep the dialogue going , make certain that if they need an add on you get that fore them .
You shouldnt go for the 16% - 20% commission deals . 9-11 is fine and the merchants will come back to you .

Also trust a few funders , MCC. BFS ( maybe) Yellowstone , Lendini . thats all you really need. No reason to open with 25 funders . if you do all you hard to fund deals through Yellowstone thats cool , then the B paper through Gibraltar or MCC or BFS ( maybe ..again )

real A paper deals you wll earn like 3% its good for risidual but not one time deals .

Good Luck . K I S S really , its the most difficult , simple industry in the world .