Quote Originally Posted by mcaguru View Post
Who would be a better candidate for our industry? at first thought most would say trump but after looking into his past bankruptcies they always came after the Lenders allowed him to over-leverage and then drive him into bankruptcy!!! think about it the BEST negotiator (as he liked to call himself) could not save his reputation from the Crafty Lenders who had No mercy to work out a GREEEEAT deal WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM NOT MAKING GREAT DEAL FOR HIMSELF?!...So the Jury is still out how he would view Alternative lenders ..Cruz however may allow committees to take the lead on the future of alternative lending??. I still am certain with republicans in office the future is BRIGHT!
If Bernie wins i will be buying 10 bikes and renting them to tourists at the beach!!
Did you really just start another GOP political thread? Ugh...