Quote Originally Posted by fundgorilla View Post
Tell me how this keeps Yellowstone from taking in my app, passing that app to one of the in-house brokers, and then that broker calls my client and says something to the effect of: "Cut out the middleman and send the app directly to me"? Is there any protection against something like that?

Moreover, I find this clause troubling:

• "For the sake of transparency, all reps that submits a deal with the same EIN as another rep within 30 days will be notified of all other reps that:

o submit or have submitted that deal
o submit a signed contract for that deal
o fund the deal
o are not successful in funding the deal before their exclusivity period is up"

Does this mean that you'll be sending me the contact names and firm data of all of my competitors for the deal? "Let's see....looks like Steve Davis at GC Funding has my deal too, and he's at 45687 Maiden Lane....hmmm.....let me just call in a bomb threat."
at some point you have to either decide to trust or not trust a funder. If you have a iso agreement and you understand the rules it comes down to a simple question do you trust the funder.. If you do then there is no reason to ask the question, if you dont then why are you working with them