Quote Originally Posted by FUNd View Post
A $1 million cash overdraft account, you're right, that is special. Makes no sense dude. Let me give you a quick tutorial in sales, because I'm in a good mood. You don't understand this deal - you are so starstruck that these genius, super smart, amazing, successful, rockstar level medical doctors are even talking to you, you aren't asking the right questions.

You will never fund a deal you don't understand, at least not one of this size. That 500K tax lien with no pay plan will be your ultimate demise, and UWs do not care what some CPA has to say about it. You will spin your wheels and this will end up in the round file. Move on dude.

I understand this deal very well and know the doctor personally. So it's not a starstruck situation, this is me helping a colleague of my fathers with a situation that arose from Athena insurance out of the blue.

The tax lien IS in a payment plan, and I am so confident on this deal I am putting in 75k of my own capital to make it happen for him.

I'll PM you in a couple months with the results. If I lose I will bow down to your eternal MCA genius greatness.