I know I'd get the usual "go to Dealstruck" or "Funding Circle." Both declined. One, for banal reason.

I need a lender that can lend even provide a line of credit to a merchant who grosses over $800,000/annual, and is on pace to making $1M this yr.

Reason for funds: Inventory & payroll
Slow months: Dec-Apr
Avg monthly gross: $100K during May all the way through Nov.
FICO: 600+

They won't start seeing serious revenue until May, at about $65-70K, then $100K+ every month thereafter.
Right now, bank statements won't reflect more than maybe $10K. It's a REAL seasonal business.

I need a lender who can do a true business loan or line of credit, and get it funded within reasonable time.

PM or email: solidmerchantsolutions@yahoo.com
