Every office has it's niche. At Cooper Asset, C and D paper that is very difficult to fund elsewhere is ours.

To profess that we are the only high risk lender worth engaging would be foolish because as everyone knows, healthy competition is the key to a successful free market and it makes sense for any ISO to have as many tools at their disposal to issue the best offer to their respective merchants. I would however suggest that those who are currently not signed up with us to do so, and see what we can do. It can only benefit your office to present as many viable offers to your merchants as possible and at Cooper Asset we can promise you the following:

-Cooper Asset is a direct funder.
-NO SIC Code Requirements.
-NSF's are of little consequence and can fund deals with up to 7 negative days on average monthly.
-Guaranteed fast response time to your submissions. Submit by 5 p.m. EST and obtain a reply by 9:30 EST the next morning.
-Cooper Asset employs no in house sales staff and no "renewal specialists". Your deals are yours and no one will look to preemptively renew.
-Car dealerships, truckers, and trucking companies are all welcome.
-Number of positions is not an issue.

I invite everyone interested in enlisting a proven and well respected high risk funder to give me a call or send me an email. We want your business and my job is to ensure we earn it every day.