Quote Originally Posted by brokerCompany View Post
It has happened where YS has said they already have the file in house. Fine I take the deal elsewhere beat their rates and get it funded.
You are on the same playing field. If another ISO has your deal take it to a funder that beats their rates don't take it to the same funder! Guy with better sources and closing skill wins.
And yes a funder will screw a little broker out of a deal. So yeah I don't work with them, there is enough new isos to take their business
Standard practice for many funders in this space.
I dont think there is a standard practice I think all banks differ. Personally, I like 1st contract in, I will put my closing skills up against anyone and be confident that I can get it done. If I dont then I dont deserve the deal.
I will also disagree that banks will take deals from smaller ISO's. If a bank will do that then they have no business in this space and nobody should submit to them. I am not saying it doesn't happen, what I am saying is if it does happen then let everyone know it happened and stop working with them. Having spent enough time on this forum and listening to different people say that "ABC" bank stole my deal, what usually happens is once all the facts come out more often then not they did not steal the deal. If banks are stealing deals and you have proof let everyone know and you will see these bad banks go away because nobody will submit to them. I think what happens more often then not is a bank has a 1st contract in policy, an ISO loses the deal to another ISO, and they scream foul because they cant imagine that they lost a deal. Every time you lose a deal its not the banks fault sometimes you just lose. Sometimes you lose I know it has happened to me, when it happens dont complain about the banks policy, get angry and make sure you dont lose the next one