Quote Originally Posted by FUNd View Post
It's not fair. Why should an ISO putting 15 points into a deal and trying to collect some BS 3rd party origination fee hold your client hostage when you are willing to do the deal for 8 points and no junk fees for example? Survival of the fittest and the first one to the finish line should win the deal.
I agree with you. However, as I am a simple servant of the people I have to do what they asked and I received a resounding cry of opposition to the removal. However, I do suspect, like a lot of others, that this was simply a way to lock up a deal for 2 weeks at YSC while they shop it elsewhere knowing that they have a fall back plan. This is actually really unfair to the admins, underwriters, and staff who do their work with the full belief that the deal will come back.