Quote Originally Posted by JayBallentine View Post
I won't be trying to build any social network nor will I be recording any rap albums anytime soon. Quotation and emulation can be mutually exclusive of one another.

That notwithstanding, you had a litany of very specific questions regarding e-mail and e-mail marketing when you contacted me initially.

It is a far more profitable endeavor for you to begin creating hypotheses and to start testing them, than it is to let this thread devolve into something out of a teenage drama movie.

When you do, you'll be able to answer a lot of those questions on your own.

Ultimately, if you ever get to a point where you are stuck, you can reach me at http://www.clarity.fm/jayballentine

Have a great weekend!

Jay, I don't think he realized that you're here to promote yourself. He must have thought you are here to lend a helping hand.

I can't help but wonder how helpful a guy can be that claims to be a master marketing expert and sells his ideas when you could be using your marketing efforts to close deals. Those who can't do, teach.