Quote Originally Posted by J.Celifarco View Post
Rapid has been the most aggressive of all the first position funders when it comes to going after stackers. I have heard of them suing people going back a couple years. This lawsuit seems to be the culmination of all of those suits and Pearl getting tired of being served every time they fund a deal.
Couple of things to note

If the lawfirm earl hired is as big and expensive as you all claim then it is safe to say that Rapid has cost them probably a small fortune up till now with all the times they have sued them for stacking. The only way to justify spending money on a law firm like this is if not doing it would cost them more money

If Rapid has sued Pearl or other companies enough times that they are being counter sued then whoever is representing them has been probably gearing up for a fight like this for awhile. Rapid is not stupid they know if they win this case precedent is set and it will clear the way for them to sue anyone and everyone and win whenever they are stacked on.

Lastly if this case is a big and as important as it sounds I would not be surprised if the other bigger banks get involved to help rapid somehow. Rapids win or loss would be a win or loss for all the big 1st position banks in the space.
Rapid is playing with Dan Gilbert money.....he's got more cash than all of us put together.

They probably have 3-4 atty's on 24/7 retainer anyway