Quote Originally Posted by AndyYSCISOdept View Post
Agreed. Its as simple (or maybe not so) as knowing what you're good at and doing that to the best of your abilities. Lets use Michael Jordan as an example, Great Athlete and Amazing basketball player Arguably the greatest of all time, but that doesn't mean that he would be a great baseball player (we saw how that worked out) and definitely not a quarterback in the NFL. Past successes in one arena do not predict future successes in others. And ultimately when you spread yourself to thin trying to do too many different things you aren't nearly as good at what got you there to begin with.
I couldn't agree more, Andy. What you are saying applies to us as individuals here on this forum, as much as it does OnDeck and Michael Jordan. In the last few years I took this approach to heart and laser focused on the exact things that I was good at and only I could do, foregoing or delegating everything else. The result was my income tripled.