Quote Originally Posted by Triton View Post
Do you think it's safe to say that there are no real large broker-only shops?
what do you mean by broker only. A lot of the bigger direct funders have affiliated sales offices. They may do a large majority of their business through their affiliated funder but still broker millions in business a month. Some of these guys are doing 15+ million a month if not more. Then you have the bigger straight broker shops with no direct bank affiliation but they syndicate 30%-50% of all deals thy fund. Their are a number of place like this doing millions a month. I would say 5-10 million avaerage for the bigger guys. Lastly your going to have the average broker shop maybe 1-2 million a month with little to no syndication. Its hard to compare the 3 because they are very different. Also the brokers who put skin in the game and are syndicating 30%-50% per deal are going to fund more because banks are more confident giving them bigger and better approvals because they have their own money in the mix.