Quote Originally Posted by PopCrumbs View Post

We dont do SEO. We buy banner, text, social and mobile ads targeting business owners looking for a business loan and drive them to an online form. Our own website is secondary to ensuring the best results for our campaigns.

We don't look for clients often, i post maybe once a month on here and that's my prospecting in a nutshell. We have solid clients because our leads return an ROI they want to meet. Clients staying on and spending thousands a week for long periods of time tells me our leads work, because no one ever calls the lead source and is like hey i closed 5 deals off your leads today.

99% of lead companies are not scams. My advice is if you buy leads know what you're buying, and understand how to close them. Each source of leads is going to have a different way you need to close them, and yes there are ****ty lead sources, there are ****ty lead buyers too.
99% are scams in my own non-scientific polling that I did with myself. Maybe you are a 1%'er. I don't know, and I don't care. I don't buy leads, I generate my own, and close them. My experience and those I collaborate with have had nightmare experiences with lead companies. Cherry picking, broken promises, flat-out lies.

And don't tell me your website isn't important. It's extremely important when you're an online business.