Big picture and funny topic as it pertains to this entire thread. I had people ask me about Jay and who he is for a few years now. I've never spoke down about him. I just think Jay is a horse of a different color... everyone just has their own hustle and who am I to judge- right? He has been compared to be the Yeezus of the MCA Industry way before this post and I think this thread is hilarious because of that.

Let's step out of MCAs for one moment and dig deal into persona and overall social perception of people who have "power". What may come off as arrogance to some, is normal to the person being judged. Some people chose to build their own individual identity and brand around the "knowledge" they have which can either provide growth long term or do as the saying "What goes up, must come down". Someone with power is supposed to pave a positive and innovative way for others. Some, like Kanye as of recently, have taken it way too far and decided to cross some lines which brought down his overall worth as person (respect wise- not only money).

Kanye West (I believe) is a good comparison to Jay as a person with his beliefs and whatever goals he is trying to obtain- but it is not accepted in other "worlds" so to say. Take Trump- people say he is a "great businessman" but horrible when it comes to communicating as a politician. Jay is a great mind but when a concept is trying to be portrayed it comes out like a whirlwind album of misused drugs and thoughts collided into something that, if not executed properly, crashes before it takes off.

I really don't understand the point of all of this and to me it is negative media hype to draw attention like what Kanye and his counterpart do. In the end, no one benefits and it's a tactic that is very old. In any other entertainment type of industry this would be okay. In an industry where (many) professionals are trying to create a standard and place the right people in the forefront- whether it is on a forum or any where else- this isn't acceptable even for the "everything else" section. It is bringing down the moral of this site and deBanked and goes against everything both sites stand for.

I can say I am one who has given and still gives free information all day and I make $$$ consulting and servicing. The best things in life are free and any of my mentors or professionals that I work with agree - Information is all in the way it is processed. At the end of the day, the relationships I made out of respect and transparency go way beyond how much I charge per hour to equal my worth.

This was in no way supposed to be insulting, but on behalf of maybe 99% of people on here... it's getting pretty old.