Quote Originally Posted by YuliyaG View Post

1. Credibility is not a concern when you're not offering any products to anyone in this space. Why would you be concerned with credibility if you're not selling anything?
I thought you just said that Jay was offering consultation for $1,000 an hour to individuals within the industry? Isn't that "selling" something?

Quote Originally Posted by YuliyaG View Post
2. Self deprecation was used in the "didn't close any merchant cash advance deals." Thats the "assumption." We are just running with it. What percentage of deals basically close themselves? Did you think Buynance really got ZERO deals done? Come on...
Well, maybe you should tell Jay (if you aren't Jay) to update his LinkedIn profile, it doesn't "look right" is all I'm saying.

Quote Originally Posted by YuliyaG View Post
3. Rather than writing on the future of the broker, you should be looking at the future of the economy. Do you have friends in banking? I do. Do you know that they are preparing for the greatest recession of our time? How does your plan combat / support that?
That's a completely different topic and would take pages to discuss. I'm open to doing so at a later date if you prefer "Yuliya G" or Jay?

Quote Originally Posted by YuliyaG View Post
4. A real man would approach a real man - not communicate through a woman. You can e-mail Jay - PM me for his contact information. I'm sure you guys would hit it off.
Jay just emailed me lol. When Jay's "woman" is used as his spokesperson on an open discussion forum, then asking questions about "Jay" becomes relevant. I didn't bring up "Jay", his "woman" did. While we are on the topic of what a real man would do, why is Jay using his woman (or a fake profile that appears to be a woman) to speak for him instead of making posts on this forum representing himself?