Quote Originally Posted by PC Cooper View Post
This is just my take, but isn't moving to ban someone on what they are saying tantamount to censorship and forced compliance? "Say what we want or else?" Even if the posts that are business related are all loathed, this cannot be reason to preclude her from commenting. By doing so it becomes more than a simple opinion even if shared by the masses. It becomes censorship at it's worst and the start of a very slippery slope.

What if next time one of us are targeted simply based upon our thoughts? Who also decides what is "beneficial" to this forum? One man's trash is another's treasure after all.

The fact that she backs Trump or the fact that she may issue posts which some or all find pointless is not a valid reason. I firmly feel that the internet, this post included, can be a Petri dish for the old adage of "conform or else". I'm not saying I agree with anything she has said, but the dangerous purpose and undertones of this thread is concerning. Again, this is just my take and no offense or comment is targeted to anyone in particular.
I was not suggesting she be banned because people disagree with her. I have said things that other people have disagreed with. But when someone is widely held to be full of s**t, posts about things that have zero relevance to the industry like 'Yeezy Money', and is believed to be a front for someone who is banned on the website, THAT is who I suggested be banned.