
We are owned by a bank, but can provide working capital to subjet businesses. We have provided cost effective working capital solutions to many companies that don't have one dime of equity on their balance sheet, poor credit of the owners, CH11, tax liens, etc.... What I meant by good lender is one that can provide a flexible working capital facility that also has a low cost of funds so the client can get a more cost effective facility. We have and will advance to clients on other assets or over advance on assets when they need it.
Example: We recently proposed a factoring facility for a service business that had 3 ACH instruments behind another factor. We offered the client a more cost effective factoring facility with a higher advance rate. The cost savings from the factoring switch is significant allowing the Company to use the savings as extra working capital and expedite payments on the ACH facilities to get them off the balance sheet. Over twelve months the factoring cost savings is in excess of $400,000. By the way...that goes right to the bottom line.