Quote Originally Posted by Austin@SCP View Post
could be questionable on ethics, but unless you know the entire situation about the merchant
Is definitely not even remotely questionable on ethics, because it ignores the lenders and their contract rights ahead of you. You can try to justify it all you want, but you and Wall both knowingly had a merchant sign contracts and take funds that violated the terms of lenders' contracts executed prior. If you placed the 2nd and 3rd too, you are a habitual offender.

This behavior is textbook tortious interference. If I were you, I would PM the admin and beg him to delete this thread so it can't be used against you in court when one of the prior three lenders, if not all of them, sue you in civil court. Not only does it have you confessing to the tort, but it also shows premeditation and a lack of remorse based on how vigorously you are defending your tortious actions.

Bonus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKGeHuln08A