Rapid currently has 3 open lawsuits for tortious interference against different companies that have stacked on us and caused a loss. I can't speak for other companies and what they have done. CreditGuy has a good analysis of some of the issues and contractual rights.

These cases are all fact specific and are working their way through the courts. In our first case, against one of the companies that specifically advertises that they do 2nds, 3rds etc., the defendant filed a motion to dismiss and we recently had a ruling in our favor allowing the case to proceed. Which means we get to do discovery, take depositions, etc.

There is also significant regulatory awareness of the stacking issue in particular. Some of you know that SBFA is now active on Capitol Hill and has hired an Executive Director who comes from a leadership role on the House Committee on Small Business. Our legal department is also active on the Hill and has testified at the Federal Reserve on issues related to our industry.