Quote Originally Posted by WhoisKingsley View Post
Why are new brokers not up for it? Here is why...

Many new brokers who are the "Entrepreneurs" of our industries come from closers of other companies. These companies give limited information and not enough training and transparency to their closers. Once the closer understands their worth and/or realized that the leadership they needed to grow was not given- they leave, take their book or everyone's book, start their own LLC and the cycle starts again. We now have closers who are the owners of these ISOs.

What's wrong with this?

I am not saying that being a closer is bad... It's actually a great thing when it comes to sales. The one aspect these new brokers are missing is the professionalism to communicate, do business development, and actual office work like flipping the pages in a document the correct way. Closers know how to close. Closing is what they are good at.

It is like a bunch of caveman running around trying to build a better wheel but missing the tools and not wanting any help to do so. The confidence and arrogance of some have made such a negative impact on how direct partners are working with them, how new broker offices convert leads, and the most important part- THE MERCHANTS EXPERIENCE!

simple prequaification that requires you to be personable and professional should not be something that brokers shouldn't "feel like doing" - it should mandatory and its your damn job! Brokers are so used to making $10k pay days by wiping their @$$ with their deals and shoving them off and getting mad at the Funder for every issue that ultimately could be avoided by NOT* recycling old tactics.

I may not sell puppies, but I do know how to sell money, make money, keep money, and build a strong team by being a leader and have everyone break bread at the end of the day.
Not to mention the slew of other get rich quick ISOs