Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
Sure why not? It wouldn't hurt to grab a month-to-date bank activity sheet, but a deal can still be killed in the 11th hour for a variety of reasons, such as:

- The drop off in sales as you mentioned

- A tax lien that pops up

- A judgment lien that pops up

- The merchant is found on some industry fraud list

- The merchant's bank statements turn out to be fraudulent

- A hidden cash advance balance is found

- The merchant is severely behind with their landlord

My point is that there will always be that "final verification" process and within that process, the deal can be killed for a variety of reasons. All you can do is pre-qual the best you can upfront and collect the initial documents.
Most of these things should come up before an offer is sent out. I understand a lot of the underwriting is done after signed contracts come in but the things you mention should come up before preapproval