Quote Originally Posted by AlexSMF View Post
Hey guys. Just came across an interesting situation that I cannot wrap my head around and wondering if anyone can make sense of this to me. Spoke with an ISO that sent in his deal to what he thought was a direct funder. The "direct funder" then turns around and sends the deal to a real direct funder that approves the deal for a very large amount of money. (I know its legit because I have the contract...then again maybe it could be made up but Ill get down to the bottom of that shortly) The guy that is middle manning this between the ISO and the actual direct funder then turns around to the ISO and tells him that he is not paying him anything on this deal BEFORE the merchant has yet to sign contracts.

I am not advocating ever doing that, but if one was to screw someone over, would they not first wait to have the money before announcing that they are not paying them? What is to stop the ISO from calling the merchant and saying not to take the deal and coming up with a good reason for it?

Just trying to figure out if I am missing something here or is this some new gimick that someone else has experienced before.
Agree- 3 sides to this story.

#1- The ISO should have had the merchant on lock and is the ONLY one that should relay any type of offer AND assure the merchant all transparency throughout the process. If ANYONE including another ISO or Funder calls, it should be brought to the Originators attention immediately. We're working with personal information- It is NOT okay for this crap to happen anymore.

#2- Your ISO should have done research. Shame on him.

#3- Send the ISO to me i'll get it done and get him paid