I am getting my gears in place even now because this is a most-likely transaction:

I have a client who has been getting jerked around for over 3 weeks, trying to finance the purchase of equipment (construction trucks) w/ another company. Then, he thought his bank was going to do the financing (go figure....) but ended up closing his bank account & opening one elsewhere, due to how upset he got with the bank.

Long story short, he needs to buy those trucks by no later than Wednesday this week (Thursday absolute latest for funding). I don't want him to lose the deal because the seller is getting impatient...

I am assuming his credit is decent enough since the bank didn't decline him due to credit. If you are able to do such financing within the time frame required, please give me a shout ASAP!

PM is best or solidmerchantsolutions@yahoo.com (yes... the yahoo address!)