Just wanting to reaffirm to all those who may have bad debt issues that I would very much like the opportunity to explain what I do differently when compared to a collection agency that has garnered me much success over the last many years. I'm not looking to replace your existing collections process but to simply add a spoke on the proverbial wheel. It gives you the lender greater options, assuredly more success at recovering, and at a fraction of the cost. You recover more and spend less to get it.

I know that everyone has a pitch and everyone selling themselves is the "greatest" at what they do. The constant barrage of being solicited can cause anyone to be skeptical. I understand this very well. My hope is that I can create enough interest from those reading this post that it would allow a conversation to take place.

Were we to speak, I could go into detail as to why I am different, how I achieve my success, and how I am confident I could help anyone with bad debt which includes: blatant defaults, merchants placing a stop on the ACH, dealing with COJ's, dealing with the merchant's attorney, or dealing with settlement firms trying to force a ridiculous settlement down your throat. Beyond "selling myself" though, I would happily provide references from those I work with who would gladly attest to my claims and to their stark decrease in both write off's and recovery costs. Across the board, all those I work with have stated they are very happy with my output and are better off now then before I came on board. I'm not working with shops that sprang from nowhere 6 weeks ago. I work with some of the most well known lenders in the industry and have for years.

More than anything, my reputation is paramount and I strive daily to ensure that what people think of me and what they think of my work grows exponentially. I hope that there is an interest in meeting me and learning more and would love the opportunity to delve into the details with those who may reach out.

Please feel free to message me or call me direct at 1-877-669-7943
