I am not the type to post to any forum because there are enough people typing away. But when a funder deserves credit I will take a minute and give what is due. I submitted to all the big houses and got some offers back. All they really became were deleted emails.

I got a 12 month 150k offer with a weekly option. No pnl, no Bal sheet, no site inspection, no payback months. no back dooring my deal, no bull****.

They came in with best length and factor. If it wasn't construction it would of been 18 months. And the merchant can still go back and take more of the approval. Only took 80 of the 150k approval.

Got offer last night at 5 and just closed at 11:30am

Oh and I beat the big name funders.
If you have a good merchant file than take him to Quarterspot. You will keep he merchant forever.

They are now doing 550 fico scores. They will payoff 2 to be in first. They can give bigger offers because the longer the deal the lower the daily the better the % paid out ratio is.

If your tired of the bull**** with the big names than try something different, do business with a company that wants to do business, not get your deals and decline them or give you insulting offers and Backdoor your deal.